Covid-19, Landlord Vs Tenant and the Winner is ........

Wednesday Apr 29th, 2020


                                                                  Covid-19 has put most of the Commercial Landlords and their Tenants in a very difficult situation. These circumstances are unprecedented, and I don’t believe there is any clause in existing Leases that specifically takes care of forced store closures as a... [read more]

E-Commerce, Future of Retail Real Estate and Blurred Lines

Tuesday Apr 28th, 2020


                                                         Most real estate experts agree the pace of e-commerce growth is going to accelerate rapidly during and after the Covid-19 era. This has significant repercussions for all kinds of Real Estate but the most affected will be the Retail Plazas and Shopping Malls. Although Canada has much less... [read more]

Will Covid-19 Pandemic help bring Ghost Kitchens into limelight!

Tuesday Apr 21st, 2020


                                                                        As pandemic effects continue to unravel, Real Estate investors are trying to figure out what concepts and trends will survive and may even flourish. I believe Ghost Kitchens will come out as a Winner. Ghost Kitchens are 'delivery... [read more]

Pandemic Effects on Canadian Industrial Real Estate

Friday Apr 17th, 2020


                                                                      What a difference a Month can make! Although no one can be sure how many behavioral changes will be permanent, but one thing looks almost inevitable and that is increased desirability of well located Industrial Real Estate. There are two major... [read more]



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